Just popping in with a few photos from these areas. I love these parks for different reasons.
Cathedral Park sits in St Johns which is in North Portland. Although if you look at a map, it’s really the most northwestern of all the places in Portland. Northwest Portland is not only more east than St. Johns but also way more south. I don’t know it’s these little quirks about cities that I like to think about.
Love in the Background
I’ve always wondered about the Love sign in the back. After some digging, I found the sculpture’s facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/savethelovepdx/
The description on the page reads: “The "Love Sign" on the Willamette River, just downstream the St Johns bridge, was built in 2017 by Artist Roman Sorensen. The origional sign deteriorated in the weather, and was re-built in 2020 in collaboration with artist Korbin Bennett-Gold.”
St. John’s Bridge from the park.
Not a Ghost Bike
Ghost bikes or bicycles painted in white have been a normal yet somber sight around Portland for many years. They are in memory of cyclists that have been killed by motorists and are a tradition specific to Portland from what I know. I have never seen a child’s bike and noticed this one wasn’t in white. It was purple and yellow. Thinking it was a child that had been killed, I looked it up and found out it was actually put there by an artist who goes by the name Dr. Nik from Sarasota, Florida some 10 + years ago. He is a peace activist and says the bikes he put up have “ghost bike mentality”
Check one of the article I found here: https://bikeportland.org/2023/01/17/mysterious-white-bikes-in-northeast-portland-are-work-of-artist-and-peace-activist-369382
Went to Elk Rock Island with the hope of finding some wildlife but the way to the actual island was blocked off with water from the high tide so I’ll have to go again next time. So far now, here’s more squirrels.
Bonus Stack of Sticks from Oaks Bottom
Errol Heights is a new park and wildlife refuge that provides a lot of amenities like trails, picnic areas, and play areas. I particularly love the wildlife and bird watching. So I come here often.
Mallard? and Wood Duck. I want to say that’s a mallard but I could be wrong.
Great Blue Heron