
Gardener at the Liquor Store 6.12.19 by David Jacobo

Only managed to catch Gardener at a show that featured Star Club, Wave Action, and Miss Rayon. Thanks to Anthony and David for letting me flash my on camera flash in their direction. I had forgotten to bring my speedlight with me that night and I was so pissed at myself. Oh well, at least you can still capture decent images. 

Gemini Rising Featuring: Portland Taiko, Brown Calculus, Rasheed Jamal, Soot Uros, Blossom, Pain-T, Qbala, DJ Casual Aztec by David Jacobo

May 24th. A night of wonderful artists. Put on by a collaberation between Art Saved My Life, YGB Portland, Deepunderground, Gentrification is Weird, and Friends of Noise. Here's some of the highlights